by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
ESA stands for EFTA Surveillance Authority. The authority was estab- lished under an agreement between the EFTA States, which contains basic provisions on the authority’s organisation and lays down its tasks and competencies. The task of the ESA is to ensure, together...
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
A facility or infrastructure which is necessary for reaching customers and/or enabling competitors to carry on their business. A facility is essential if its duplication is impossible or extremely difficult due to physical, geographical, legal or economic constraints....
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Europe agreements are bilateral association agreements that have been concluded between the European Communities and their Member States on the one hEand and each of the following countries of central and eastern Europe: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary,...
by 21st Century Competition | May 9, 2014
The term European legal instruments refers to the instruments available to the European institutions to carry out their tasks. The instruments listed in Article 288 of the TFEU are: regulations: these are binding in their entirety and directly applicable in all Member...
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Practice by a dominant company that tends to impair the opportuni- ties of competitors based on considerations other than competition on the merits. An example would be the decision, by a company dominant on the market for production of a certain product, not to...