Joint control

Joint control exists where two or more undertakings or persons have the possibility of exercising decisive influence over another undertak- ing. Decisive influence in this sense normally means the power to block actions that determine the strategic commercial...

Joint venture

Association of firms or individuals formed to undertake a specific business project. Under the Community competition rules, joint ventures are undertakings that are jointly controlled by two or more other undertakings. In practice joint ventures encompass a broad...


Specific knowledge held by an individual or a company on a product or production process, often obtained through extensive and costly research and development (R & D). Under the Community competi- tion rules know-how is normally deemed to be a body of technical...

Leniency (programme)

General term for the total or partial reduction of fines applied to firms that cooperate with antitrust authorities in cartel investigations. The current leniency programme of the Commission is the 2006 notice on immunity from fines and reduction of fines in cartel...