Letter of formal notice

Letter the Commission sends to a Member State, in particular in application of Article 86 of the EC Treaty, when it is alleged that the Member State enacts or maintains in force a measure which is contrary to EU competition rules. A letter of formal notice is the...

Marginal costs

Costs born by a firm of producing an additional unit of output. Marginal costs are a function of variable costs only, since fixed costs do not vary with output. Source: Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy, Antitrust and control of concentrations, European...

Market power

Strength of a firm in a particular market. In basic economic terms, market power is the ability of firms to price above marginal cost and for this to be profitable. In competition analysis, market power is determined with the help of a structural analysis of the...

Market share

Measure for the relative size of a firm in an industry or market, in terms of the proportion of total output, sales or capacity it accounts for. In addition to profits, one of the frequently cited business objec- tives of firms is to increase market share. This is...

Merger (glossary)

A concentration is the legal combination of two or more undertakings, by merger or acquisition. While such operations may have a positive impact on the market, they may also appreciably restrict competition, by creating or strengthening a dominant player. In order to...