by 21st Century Competition | May 8, 2014
A market structure with few sellers, who realise their interdepend- ence in taking strategic decisions, for instance on price, output and quality. In an oligopoly, each firm is aware that its market behaviour will distinctly affect the other sellers and their market...
by 21st Century Competition | May 8, 2014
Trade in products, which takes place outside the official distribution system set up by a particular firm. Through their own distribution system, firms may cause differences in prices for different countries, exploiting national differences in the behaviour of...
by 21st Century Competition | May 8, 2014
Sales in response to unsolicited requests from individual customers, including delivery of goods or services to such customers. Sales generated by general advertising or promotion in the media or on the Internet that reaches customers in other distributors’ exclusive...
by 21st Century Competition | May 8, 2014
The Commission may, by decision, impose periodic penalty payments in order to compel an undertaking to stop an infringement of competition rules in accordance with an earlier decision. In such a case, a daily amount is fixed which has to be paid for every day the...
by 21st Century Competition | May 8, 2014
By positive comity, a country may ask the other parties to the agreement to take appropriate measures, under their competition law, against anti-competitive behaviour taking place on their territory that affects important interests of the requesting country. Source:...