Resale price maintenance

Agreements or concerted practices between a supplier and a dealer with the object of directly or indirectly establishing a fixed or minimum price or price level to be observed by the dealer when reselling a product/service to his customers. A provision which foresees...

Rescue merger

The concept of the rescue merger, also referred to as ‘failing firm defence’, enables the Commission to clear a concentration even though a dominant position is created or strengthened in its after- math, provided that there is no causal link between the concentration...


Firm at the end of the distribution chain, which normally buys a product from a wholesaler in order to sell it to the final consumer. Source: Glossary of terms used in EU competition policy, Antitrust and control of concentrations, European Commission, 2002 Share...

Selective distribution

Distribution system whereby a supplier enters into (vertical) agree- ments with a limited number of selected dealers in the same geographic area. Selective distribution agreements, on the one hand, restrict the number of authorised distributors. On the other hand,...

Services of general economic interest

Services of general economic interest (SGEI) are commercial services of general economic utility, on which the public authorities therefore impose specific public-service obligations (Article 106 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union). Transport,...