by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Regulation issued by the Commission or by the Council pursuant to Article 101(3) of the EC Treaty, specifying the conditions under which certain types of agreements are exempted from the prohibition on restrictive agreements laid down in Article 101(1) of the EC...
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Ability of one or more buyers, based on their economic importance on the market in question, to obtain favourable purchasing terms from their suppliers. Buyer power is an important aspect in competi- tion analysis, since powerful buyers may discipline the pricing...
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Arrangement(s) between competing firms designed to limit or elimi- nate competition between them, with the objective of increasing prices and profits of the participating companies and without produc- ing any objective countervailing benefits. In practice, this is...
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Association that collects payments made by users of intellectual property rights for the holders of such rights. For instance, a radio station, playing a record for which a record company holds a copy- right, has to pay a fee to a collecting society, which then...
by 21st Century Competition | May 7, 2014
Collusion refers to the coordination of firms’ competitive behaviour. The likely result of such coordination is that prices rise, output is restricted and the profits of the colluding companies are higher than they would otherwise be. Collusive behaviour does not...