Court of Justice of the European Union

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), created in 1952 by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, comprises the Court of Justice, the General Court and specialised courts. It ensures compliance with the law in interpreting and...

De minimis notice

Communication from the Commission clarifying under what condi- tions the impact of an agreement or practice on competition within the common market can, in its view, be considered to be non-appre- ciable, namely where the aggregate market share of the undertakings...

Delegation of powers

The Commission, as a collegiate body, delegates certain decision- making powers to its individual commissioners (empowerment procedure) or to directors-general (delegation procedure). A delega- tion of powers allows management, administrative, procedural and routine...


Decision by a firm to sell part of its current operations, divisions or subsidiaries as a result of business restructuring in order to concentrate on certain products or markets. Under EC competition law, divestiture may also be offered by firms as a commitment...

Dominant position

A firm is in a dominant position if it has the ability to behave inde- pendently of its competitors, customers, suppliers and, ultimately, the final consumer. A dominant firm holding such market power would have the ability to set prices above the competitive level,...